Fit out your booth
The success of your booth is a key factor in the success of your business! Remember to fit it out for the comfort and well-being of your visitors. Our range of over 3,000 furniture references is at your disposal, as well as our stock of audiovisual equipment systematically at the cutting edge of innovation. Ideal for surprising your audience and make them really want to work with you in your smartly fitted-out booth.
A stand designer for many years
A player in the event industry for more than 40 years, we can manage your stand from A to Z with our flawless know-how. Our experts will build your booth from carpentry through to paint-work, personalize it by printing visuals, and deal with its fit-out. Moreover, our experts also handle installing and dismantling your stand. You can choose a unique booth for a one-time exhibition, but also opt for a reusable booth for regular use at different events.
Your booth is in the GL Store
Find all our solutions for individual or collective booths in the GL Store. Imagine your booth to your personal taste and contact us via our event planning assistant, so that we can give you all the help you need in building it. We know how to meet your budgetary restrictions, security imperatives, eco-design needs, etc. and make sure that your participation in a trade show is a real success.
A network of agencies for building your booth
Our network of agencies established in France and elsewhere enables us to answer your requests for building and installing booths close to all the trade show, fair, or exhibition sites!